lundi 28 décembre 2015

Studying during residency?

I recommend getting the Step 3 out of the way forthwith. In terms of studying, I disagree with the older advice--that you don't have to study for step 3--6 weeks of nightly study should be about average, more or less depending on the proximity to your step 2 or general medical education and your natural abilities.

In terms of psych. Studying around patients is, for me, right on point. If I have a patient on a drug I don't know the key points of, I look it up and write the survey of possible AE's in my progress notes. And when you encounter a question in your daily work, like how to cross taper something, you look it up. Etc. Rinsing and repeating. I also look up diagnostic criteria regularly, sometimes with patients present to try to get them involved in their own self-formulation.

Medical students certainly help, because you can relearn basic topics to teach them.

Other than that, I agree with you, we're off map now. Before curriculum had specific necessary goals and objectives. But I personally find this stage liberating and invigorating.

I'm forming a salon--with a very smart, interesting colleague--where we're going to share our explorations in the field.

Currently, I'm searching for the philosophical basis of my own style of practice. Existential philosophy, phenomenological approaches, and everything I can get my hands on from JL Moreno. In addition to keeping up with the academic curriculum of our half day didactics, and reading articles for topics in rounds and the like.

This is the most exciting educational period I can remember. I love that there's no leash. And that the goals are my own self-expression as a professional.

The only thing I can say is.... Isn't this cool?!.

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Studying during residency?

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