mardi 29 décembre 2015

Terrible mistake, will get an institutional action after acceptance

You are likely done. There is almost no chance you don't get an IA for cheating but there is basically three options....

1) you luck out and don't get an IA......don't tell anyone and in which case you should buy a lottery ticket because you are the luckiest
2) you get the IA and tell the med school.....they likely, and justifiably, rescind your admission
3) you get the IA and keep quiet to hope the med school doesn't find're then a cheat and a liar who at any point can have their time in med school cancelled and be thrown out for falsifying info

I would wait until the school decides if you have an IA (which you likely will) then tell the med school (who will likely throw you out). It's better to reclaim some integrity than continue down your current path

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Terrible mistake, will get an institutional action after acceptance

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