jeudi 31 décembre 2015

2015-2016 Rutgers University - RWJMS Application Thread

Prompts for Part I Secondary:
1. If applicable please comment on any science grade(s) listed on your app for which you received grades lower than a B. If applicable comment if there is a downward trend in your science and/or total GPA.
2. If you have ever taken time off during your undergrad training or if you have already graduated, provide info to explain this time by providing a line-by-line description of activities or explanation delineated by month/year to month/year
3. If you applied as a non-resident (legal residency other than NJ), please let us know if you grew up in NJ, attended school in NJ, have parents who reside in NJ, work in NJ, etc.
4. Please let us know how you prepared for your most recent MCAT. if you have taken the MCAT more than once let us know if you prepared differently for prior tests.
5. Were you, or are you, employed during the school year? If so please tell us type of work, hours worked, etc. In addition, please indicate if you and/or your parents are/were employed by RWJMS.
6. Is there anything you would like to share to clarify your application?
Part II:
Take CASPer and/or:
1. In the next series of prompts, you will reflect upon experiences, activities or accomplishments that demonstrate each of the indicated pre-professional competencies. Your response should be limited to one paragraph and should include: the situation where you demonstrated the competency, your actions and the resulting consequence, and what you learned as a result.
a. integrity and ethics
b. reliability and dependability
c. desire to learn
d. commitment to serving others/volunteering
e. social interpersonal and teamwork skills
f. cultural competence
g. resilience and adaptability

for the first part you're limited to a text box, probably ~1000 characters or 1 paragraph each (but you can make the boxes bigger if you need to).
Hope this helps! Good luck everyone!

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2015-2016 Rutgers University - RWJMS Application Thread

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