mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Is graduating with 215+ credits a red flag?


I will be graduating with 215+ credits. I kept taking classes to do well because I know I messed up when I was a freshman. Yes I graduated with ~215 credits in 4 years. I will also likely do a one year post bacc of 30 credits so I will likely be applying with around 240+ credits.

I will probably graduate with a 3.5/3.3s and hope to raise it to 3.58/3.4s or something along those lines. My MCAT is a 519.

I know people have applied with a lot of credits before but do you think its a red flag in any way to be graduating in 4 years with so many credits? I was lucky in that my parents were willing to pay for my education. I just don't know if admissions committees will down upon the fact that I did so many credits in such a short amount of time. I am on an upward trajectory and hope to continue it during my post bacc.

I guess my concern is if I come off as a spoiled brat that I wasted my parents money and that they keep helping me to some extent (they're pissed but they help as much as they can).

I will probably do one or two classes at my private institution during my post bacc which will be expensive but I have personal reasons for doing that and will do the rest at a state school to save money.

I would appreciate any adcomm input @Goro @LizzyM @Catalystik @gyngyn

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Is graduating with 215+ credits a red flag?

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