mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Is it possible to study for the DAT while working and taking classes?

Hi everyone! First thread :)

I have Human Anatomy & Physio II lecture and lab, biochemistry, and possibly one more biology course to look forward to next semester (7 or possibly 11 credits of science). I have strategically planned my schedule so that all my courses fall on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Of the remaining days of the week --MWF--I will be working part-time (15-20 hours/week). Weekends are open. I figure the courses I'll be taking will coincide with the material needed to learn for the biology section of the DAT anyways. My main concern is when the projected date for the DAT should be given my somewhat busy schedule. Is there anyone out there who has been through a similar situation and would like to shed some light about what's best (or just anyone who can offer sound advice)? My spring break is during the middle of March so there's one potential week I could schedule it for; however, I could also take it in May once finals are over. Otherwise, I could just take it whenever depending on what seems to be best based on the class syllabi. I was hoping to take it sometime in March/April in case I need to retake in June/July and still be considered early. How many months do you think I should set aside? Is this feasible?

Just to give some background about me to help formulate a better opinion: I plan on applying during the next cycle, June 2016. I've already graduated from College A earlier this year, so I'm taking courses at College B to fulfill more prerequisites and raise my sGPA. I have no other responsibilities (i.e. raising a family) besides taking classes, working, and studying for the DAT. I don't plan on volunteering or upholding any club leadership positions since I already have plenty EC experience under my belt from undergrad. Now, the catch is ... I can't settle for anything less than A's for this upcoming semester because of my less than stellar GPA from undergrad. That also means I can't settle for anything less than a DAT score under 21. Thus, I have to do extremely well with both. During the fall semester, I took A&P I + Lab while working and I was able to do very well in both courses even with cramming/studying the night before. Now that I've experienced what classes are like here, it seems that the rigor of College B doesn't compare to the rigor of College A, especially in the sciences, so I don't seem too worried about the spring semester course load (hopefully this statement doesn't come back to bite me in the arse... *knocks on wood*). As for my study habits, I am a habitual procrastinator and crammer, but I'm trying to fix that in 2K16 and I'm driven to succeed. If you've made it this far, thanks for reading this ridiculously long post for such a simple question.

P.S. I already have Cliff's and Destroyer. Will get Chad's and Bootcamp eventually.

TLDR; Low GPA'er here fresh out from undergrad hoping to raise sGPA/oGPA and achieve the best DAT score I can. How many months should I study for the DAT while simultaneously taking 7 or possibly 11 credits (3-5 classes) of only science courses and working part-time?

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Is it possible to study for the DAT while working and taking classes?

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