mercredi 30 décembre 2015

What is considered a good out of state acceptance rate?

General number you might seen thrown around here is about 25-30% OOS as a mininum number. But this really varies alot by school and applicant. A number of schools will look for very specific things in their OOS applicants(ie ties to the state as an example). Also you have to consider the quality of the applicant: if your a 3.8/36 it might be worth looking at schools with say a 10-15% OOS matriculation rate if you really are interested in them. For your generic 3.6/31 app? Those schools arent going to be nearly as feasible or worthwhile to consider. A general guideline youll hear alot is for OOS public schools you really want to be above their average stats.

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What is considered a good out of state acceptance rate?

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