mercredi 30 décembre 2015

NAPLEX starting 11/01/15! My 2nd attempt review & new material. *my 2 cents on MPJE FL too*

Hi everyone,

After failing my first attempt of NAPLEX in August (with a 74!!! yikes) and feeling completely frustrated and hurt and in some cases depressed, I decided to study harder and so I retook the exam last week and passed with an ok score (80) but hey passing is passing and at the end of the day no one asks you what did you get on the board exams.

The reason why I decided to share my thoughts in here is that everyday I checked different forums regarding the exam and the new comments that were coming along from people taking the new version of NAPLEX and it was helpful in some cases. In other cases, it was a little disappointing seen people comment on how people should pursue different path for not passing NAPLEX and always giving negative comments. Well shame on these people for not being considerate and try to belittle others. My advice to you is dont listen to negative people. You went to school for a reason and you will work hard to make it happen. IT WILL HAPPEN FOR YOU TOO!!!.

My exam review: It was heavy on Oncology/Biostat maybe 20 questions (a lot and has to do w meta analysis and studies!!), compounding (maybe 15-20), DI,Diabetes/ID/skin infect/epilepsy, only a couple on HIV, lots of calculations, a bunch of monitoring parameters, ADR. Basically know everything that is on RXPREP. The first time i only studied the book and didn't pay much attention on details, well this 2nd time was all about DETAILS. Know the book in-n-out and I didn't do the 120 SDN cuz i didn't have time but I heard it was helpful so if you have time to do it, do it. The second time I still studied the Rxprep really well and purchased the q-bank only without videos. It was really helpful to me after going through each chapter and testing myself. I have 105 days till 03/14/2016 if anyone is interested to buy it, let me know. For compounding info I only studied APHA version, if you google it its like 16 pages i think and that should be enough.The 2nd time i took the exam I thought it was a little harder because i didn't know what to expect but my advice to you is study study study/repeat/repeat/repeat and go there with an open mind. I felt like I failed it when I got out out of the exam, I had a tough week just thinking about it but my advice is STUDY HARD TO KNOW IT FOR YOU AS A FUTURE PHARMACIST TO MAKE A GOOD IMPACT ON SOMEONE'S LIFE, NOT JUST FOR NAPLEX SCORE. Even if might take 1,2,3 attempts study hard for YOU, your KNOWLEDGE, your CONFIDENCE.

My review of FL MPJE: it is a tricky exam, not hard but the questions are formulated to distract you a little because they all might sound right. UF review and Seamon from Nova review was the key to my success. My experience helped a little but my advice would be pay attention to every single word on the question because it might change the whole meaning.

Let me know if anyone has any questions or concerns or want to purchase the q-bank (its like 3,000+ questions) without videos. Best of luck!

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NAPLEX starting 11/01/15! My 2nd attempt review & new material. *my 2 cents on MPJE FL too*

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