mercredi 30 décembre 2015

What are my options at this point?

To keep it brief, I've had a really rough start at college. It was not due to laziness however. There were a lot of factors that contributed to me not being able to perform to my fullest potential. I can explain if needed.

However, now I can say I'm finally where I need to be. The problem is that I've dug a really deep hole, and I need to get myself out of it.

The question is, what is the best way to?

First, here is a bit of background info:

Major: Psychology

Started at CC in WINTER 2010

-Gen Chem I: C
-Gen Chem II: A
-Calc I: C

-CC cGPA: ~3.0

Transferred to UCR in FALL 2014.

-Bio I: C+, Bio 1 Lab: B+
- Bio II: B
- Bio III: C
-O.Chem I: B
-O.Chem II: C- ***
-O.Chem III: B
-Biochem: A

Current UC cGPA: ~3.2
Anticipated graduation 2017 in Psychology. (7 years!!)

Other info:
Mostly A's in Psych classes
Other C's in English II, Geometry, & Intro Chemistry

EC's are weak:
-Worked part-time job for one year
-Volunteered ~200 hours at the ED at LLUMC
-Psych Research (not sure if this counts because it's for credit)

I have completed 150 units and am allowed to take up to 216.

I am 100 percent confident I can get 3.7+ up until graduation now that I have identified my problem. (jumped from a 2.8 quarter to a 4.0 the following quarter after figuring out problem)

What are my options considering my history and current standing?
I was considering either (1) doing an SMP, (2) taking extra upper div science courses, or (3) going back to CC to retake courses after graduating (DO option only).

Also, as far as EC's, would it be enough for me to continue clinical volunteering alone?
Any advice will be appreciated!

Thank you

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What are my options at this point?

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