mardi 29 décembre 2015

"Calc-Based Physics" to hedge my bets?

Story Time...

So I have a B.A. in History (due to my own stupid choices earlier in life). I currently work full time and am now slowly taking pre-med prerequisites (one class per semester due to work, painfully slow, I know) in the hope that I can one day go to medical school to become a Radiologist. If the medical school dream is never realized, I'd happily pursue Optometry, Audiology, etc.

I know I need Chemistry, Organic Chem, Biology, etc, (those are in the works one at a time), but my current concern is PHYSICS.

There is of course Calculus-Based Physics (3 semesters) and Algebra-Based Physics (2 semesters).

I have already taken Calculus I, II, and III, Linear Algebra, and Mechanics (aka Calculus-Based Physics, part 1 of 3). I did manage to get an A in Mechanics, but only because our teacher was new and gave us a LOT of extra credit assignments. I don't think I'd be quite so lucky to pull off another A in Electricity and Magnetism (part 2 of 3), especially since it's been over a year since I finished Calc III and Mechanics.

My question is... Should I take the rest of the calc-based physics (E&M and waves/optics), or jump ship and take the algebra-based physics instead?

I know most med schools recommend a year of physics. I also know they don't care whether it's calc or non calc. But what if you only take 2 of the 3 calc-based physics classes? Does it still count even though you didn't finish "the sequence"?

The main reason I'm asking this is because despite getting an A in Mechanics, I'm terrified of continuing to take the "harder" calc-based physics and risk dragging down my GPA. On the other hand, I'm also annoyed at the idea of switching physics sequences only to not get into med school and realize I need the calc-based sequence for some as-yet-unknown thing down the road. Does any other professional school (perhaps pharmacists) make use of calc-based physics? Or would I have to get a degree in Chemistry to be required to take it?

Worse yet, I don't know what chance I, as a non-technical degree holder with a few pre-med prerequisites, stand in the admissions race against droves of people majoring in Biology or Chemistry. I'm just trying to figure out what would be seen as most appealing by medical school acceptance boards; a high GPA regardless of what classes are taken, or higher/harder classes.

Wow, that was a mouthful.

If anyone has any thoughts, suggestions, recommendations, etc, I welcome them and would be forever grateful.

Any ideas?

Thank you!

- "There are no stupid questions, but there are a lot of Inquisitive Idiots."

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"Calc-Based Physics" to hedge my bets?

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