mardi 29 décembre 2015

M.D and D.O Merger ?

I'm also interested to see how match will work once it's combined residencies. Hypothetically, just using random numbers, if you have 10,000 slots for MD residencies, 10,000 for DO residencies, once the merger happens, since they say that the DO residencies will decrease (so 10k --> 7k but now these 7k are "allopathic" residencies), the total residency slots become 17k. Now in theory, that jacks up the competition, yes. But I do think that the IMG's will get the worst of the deal. There's almost an undoubted hierarchy where MD>DO>IMG (carrib + other international). DO's will still get preference over IMG's, and at places where there were the PD is a DO or if the practice is a majority DO, I'm sure those residencies will gravitate more for DO's as well. If this is true, then majority of the residencies will go to MD's, DO's from US schools, with a fewer amount going to the IMG's which is why there is such a strong push nowadays (even moreso than it was 2-3 years ago) to NOT go to an IMG school.

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M.D and D.O Merger ?

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