mardi 29 décembre 2015

Possible reapplicant- thoughts on improving my application?

Now that it's almost the new year, I am starting to think more seriously about strengthening my application in preparation for re-applying and would love some advice on where to invest my time. This cycle, I applied to 19 MD schools and have received two II so far (also 2 rejections, 2 post-secondary holds, and 13 silences). Currently, I have been waitlisted at WMed (which continually accepts people off the waitlist) and am still under consideration at UW, making receiving an acceptance difficult to predict.

I have a 3.73 cGPA and a 3.70 sGPA with a 33 MCAT (8 PS/12 BS/13 VR). Lots of non-clinical volunteering including leadership positions and I have been working in a research lab for the past year and a half (full-time since July). I also have ~70 hours of shadowing.

I recognize that one of my greatest weaknesses was virtually zero clinical volunteering at the time of applying, although I had recently started a hospice volunteer position that I have continued throughout this year. I also know that my PS score of 8 is much less than ideal. Do you think finding an additional clinical volunteering position would strengthen my application enough for next year or should I consider retaking the MCAT as well? Is there anything else that I should consider doing?

Sorry if this was long-winded! Thanks for any help!

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Possible reapplicant- thoughts on improving my application?

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