mardi 29 décembre 2015

2015-2016 Post-Doc Thread

Let's get this started (early, I know)! Post anything here relevant to post-doc interview questions, invites, or acceptances. I will try to alphabetize sites every few days at the top of the list.

As interviews start to come in, please post within this thread or PM to it me (click my username and then "start conversation") if you wish to remain anonymous.

-Site name
-Date notified and notification style (email, phone, etc.)
-Invite or rejection
-Track (please specify even for general tracks)
-Interview dates offered

In the spirit of EEpsychstudent, also include the type and number of cookies eaten today!

University of Kansas Psycho-Oncology and Behavioral Medicine Fellowship
-Date notified and notification style (email, phone, etc.): 12/10 via personalized email
-Invite or rejection: invite
-Track (please specify even for general tracks): Psycho-Oncology/Behavioral Medicine
-Interview dates offered: 1/8/16
Cookies: 2, key lime

MUSC (Medical University of S. Carolina)
-12/18/2015, personal email
-Behavioral Medicine/Clinical Health
-Interview dates offered:
-Friday, January 15
-Tuesday, January 19
-Monday, January 25

Stanford University School of Medicine - Department of Psychiatry
-Date notified and notification style: Notified on 1/16/15 by personal email
-Invite or rejection: Invite
-Track (please specify even for general tracks): General Track
-Interview dates offered: 1/12, 1/29, 2/4, 2/9, 2/18

Stanford Clinical Psychology Postdoctoral Fellowship: Sleep Medicine
-12/18/2015, personal email

STRONG STAR Consortium
Invite: 12/11 via e-mail
Phone interviews will be scheduled between now and January 15th with on-site visits offered in early January/February

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2015-2016 Post-Doc Thread

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