mercredi 30 décembre 2015

Not sure if I can pursue Dentistry anymore

Hey guys,

I know there may be other threads similar to this, but I just had to vent.

I just graduated college a couple of days ago. Took me 4.5 years total.

I have all my pre-dental req courses and electives done.

Problem is that I have an undergrad GPA of 3.22. My BCP/science GPA is probably a little lower since I retook a couple of science classes. I also got a TS 19/PAT 20 on the DAT last summer. Didn't apply because I wanted to wait till this past semester for decent letters of recs for the upcoming cycle.

Here's my rant: Now that I'm done with college, my plan was to work on my application. I got a job as a pharmacy tech, and hearing back to TA for physiology and microbio (for experience and letters of recs), and asked advice from dental school students and family. Some said I'm not out of the game for getting into dental school, or some said I have a low shot at getting in. This made me feel worried. Especially since I'm living at home and want to get out of my parents hairs since 1. they supported me so much in this process 2. help them move on with their lives to retirement.

I thought about applying to a Master's program to boost my GPA. This might be one of the most obvious options to go for but it's like I put in a good effort in college only to get a 3.2. How would I be able to get above a 3.5 in a Master's program with harder classes? The debt would also be hard to pay off if I am not able to get into dental school. (parents paid for my undergrad, so I have no debt so far). This fear led me think about the next option.

I thought about applying for business corp jobs but I pretty much put all my eggs into one basket with dental only to become a sub-par applicant.I don't have much work experience or any internships, making it hard to pursue business corp jobs even if I wanted to. On top of that, I have a psych BS degree, so idk how much that would help as well.

I really don't know what to do. I just feel lost in life right now and I'm not sure what I should pursue. I want to pursue dentistry but I'm afraid. I've been working hard but have gotten average or less than average marks. If i kept doing this, i would get super behind in life and I just don't want to put that onto my parents.

Should I find a real job and then try dentistry later? Should I re-evaulate how I study and try the DAT again? Or would that even be worth it considering my current GPA? (I feel I could do better on the DAT b/c taking physiology this past semester really changed how I study and I was getting A's on my exams almost the second half of the semester).

Idk. I guess no-sugar coated advice, a game plan, or guidance can really help before I screw myself even further.

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Not sure if I can pursue Dentistry anymore

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