mardi 29 décembre 2015

Is there a chance?

First of all, choose a major that interests you AND that you can do well in. Medical schools don't care what you major in so don't feel like you have to be a science major. Are you a freshman? If so, why are you even worrying about your major this early on? I would focus on figuring out why you're failing classes and doing so poorly. You need to ask for some help! Reach out to your school's learning or study center, find a tutor, ask classmates who are doing well for help, visit your TAs and professors in office hours, etc.

At the end of the day, your major won't affect your med school chances but you have no chance at all unless you bring up your GPA. I wouldn't even worry about your career prospects at this point. Just focus on fixing whatever is causing you to struggle. In the meantime, take some easy classes that you know you can do well in. It is possible to make a comeback but it'll take some hard work and introspection.

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Is there a chance?

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