lundi 28 décembre 2015

Do I Really Deserve the F? I feel cheated

I received an F for a college class I took during hs and today, I was going through my email and I realized I had emailed my guidance counselor about makeup for the final exam and she ignored me. I did not receive a syllabus for the course since I was not notified when the class started or the room number until the second week of school. Also the professor's email was not on the college website.

Here is my email which she ignored. I sent it 1 month later or so after the exam but I think if she told the professor I could have received an A for the class.

Hi Ms. ---,

This year, I completed the CollegeNow course Biology of Inheritance. However, I soon discovered that I received no credit for that course.

I received a 92, the highest score in the class, on the midterm. However, I did not take the Final because I thought that class was cancelled due to the AP exams so I decided to take it the week after. However, class already ended during AP week and I never had the chance to take the Final.

Could I take make up for the Final in any way? Or could you possibly remove the grade from my transcript?

Thank you so much!


Can someone tell me if I can talk to a committee or something. I feel like I did not deserve the grade. I feel cheated and violated.

It has been 2.5 years since the final exam which I never took.

I emailed the professor about the grade last summer but he ignored me and when I called him, he told me to call the registrar and they used the oldest trick in the book and told me to call back later and when I did, they played stupid.

However, I never told the profesosr about this email.

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Do I Really Deserve the F? I feel cheated

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