lundi 28 décembre 2015

Career Change and European Citizenship

First, I am American and recently recovered Luxembourg citizenship through my grandparents. Recently, I have considered changing career tracks and going into medicine.

My Particulars:

No kids
PhD - Education
M.A. - Education
B.A. - Social Sciences / Humanities
Tenured Humanities Associate Professor at national university in Japan

Now that I am a Luxembourg citizen, I am considering moving to Europe and would be interested in looking into attending medical school. My questions are:

1. Which pre-requisites would I need? I assume 1 year of each: organic chem., chem, physics and biology.
2. Would I require an MCAT score for Western and Eastern European schools?
3. How many years would I be looking at if I were to study full time?

I have not made any firm decisions yet, of course, but I am just feeling it out and after a Google search, this website / forum appeared in the search results.

Thanks for any info.

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Career Change and European Citizenship

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