lundi 28 décembre 2015

* 2015-2016 URM Medical School Application Thread *

Hey all! Happy to see this thread, and congrats to everyone who has gotten II's thus far. A little bit about me:

cGPA: 3.41
sGPA: 3.1 (ugh)
MCAT: 505
25 year old AA female, non-trad
CA resident
Mentor, health educator, 1.5 years research, non profit work, shadowing, studied abroad, clinical experience, etc.
Great LORs
applying MD/DO but UCLA PRIME and Drew-UCLA are top choices

My low GPA definitely scares me. I have received 14 secondaries thus far and I am completely overwhelmed with trying to complete them!

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* 2015-2016 URM Medical School Application Thread *

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