lundi 28 décembre 2015

all B's in first semester of post-bacc..

Never commented on SDN before, but I had to say something, since the VCU program really troubles me. Having gone through the VCU program I understand the depression your talking about. Looking back on my experience and my fellow classmates' experiences, I would have advised myself to leave after the first semester instead of staying on (or never go). It would have saved me time, energy, money, and health. If it's gpa you need to work on do a formal or informal post-bac that will go towards your undergrad. The many students that began the program (100 to 25-20 which is unfortunately true) have left to better programs. While at VCU, I became depressed and severely sick (never experienced this at any of the 6 colleges I've been through). Later I learned from other universities advisors, who have heard of the program or the like, that programs like these are there to weed out than cultivate. I have also heard advisors on the dental admission board state they prefer undergrad work than graduate work since those who struggle through the undergrad work and do well, struggle less than the SMPs. I personally believe this is based on how the foundation is set. At VCU, you struggle to memorize this and that as quickly as possible. This task becomes difficult if you have never taken Biochemistry. Finally, I knew students who completed the program with a gpa above 3.8, and yeah the stats are BS, because these students later had to take another year to climb through research, masters, etc. I'm stating all this as a student who got above a 3.5 undergrad gpa, interested in research (wanting to gain a gpa booster at the same time), just to have my gpa drop from this program. I learned my mistakes and have done what I can to do damage control (spoken to all the people willing to speak to me on the admission board for the schools I'm interested in-I want them to know my situation, my plans, my goals, and my motivation before my application hits the table). Currently I'm doing an informal post-bac making straight As.

(As a disclaimer I'm not saying all SMPs are bad or terrible. I'm stating that it is important to vet the program and in the meanwhile if the program isn't working for you, find a different one.)

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all B's in first semester of post-bacc..

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