lundi 21 décembre 2015

2015-2016 University of California - Los Angeles (Geffen) Application Thread

Thanks for your response, @bluemachine! I'm still trying to narrow down my topics, so any input (from anyone!) would be appreciated:

1. Reconciling with my Asian/Pacific American (APA) identity within the past year or so. As a Vietnamese American living in Little Saigon, I ran away from it when I went to college because I refused to be associated with the same old stereotypes and snap judgments. It wasn't until I became aware and involved in supporting movements such as Black Lives Matter did I dare to learn more and take pride in my heritage and APA identity.

2. Trying to support a queer (the resident's preferred term, not mine) female resident against a racist/homophobic/misogynistic co-RA, and having to watch her be removed from her floor because the area supervisor turned a blind eye. This supervisor also told me to not to seek support for the resident and myself because it was "unprofessional." I decided not to heed this warning and spoke with the department head over the course of several meetings. It ended up being too late for the resident to move back in (since it was the end of the year), but the supervisor suddenly "left" the department, which now has a system of bias reporting for the residents.

3. Getting an F (51% whoo-hoo) on my first physics exam, freaking out about it, and finally deciding to push down my pride to attend office hours. Worked with the professor through the semester, and ended the class with an A.

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2015-2016 University of California - Los Angeles (Geffen) Application Thread

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