dimanche 20 décembre 2015

Taking Step 2 For Ophthalmology Thoughts

I have heard different things about the best time to take Step 2. Some say that choosing your Step 2 test date depends on your Step 1 score competitiveness and the general strength of your application. If you have a strong application, then it is best to wait because Step 2 can only stand to hurt you, but if you are not as strong in some areas it is best to take Step 2 early and do extremely well if you plan to go into Ophtho…

Others say that taking Step 2 early is a part of a complete application and that more and more schools consider Step 2 scores now…

As individuals applying to or accepted by Ophthalmology programs I would love your thoughts? My situation: Step one: 241, 2 High Passes and 1 Honors (FAMILY, PEDS, & OB/GYN respectively), one publication in the works (not Ophthalmologic) and three additional projects currently working on (all Ophthalmologic), coming from a top tier school. Thanks in advance!

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Taking Step 2 For Ophthalmology Thoughts

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