lundi 21 décembre 2015

Second Semester Freshman Schedule

I just finished my first semester at William and Mary (top 40 college known for its rigor) and got a 3.64, which should place me on the Dean's list (only about 10-15% of undergrads make dean's list). My first semester I took:
Gen Chem I - A+
Gen Chem Lab - A
Anthropology - A+
Sociology - B+
200 level English - B (it was brutal…)

I would like to know if you intelligent people from SD concur with my current schedule for second semester. So far, I am signed up for:
Orgo Lab
Calculus II
Physics freshman seminar
Group chemistry research lab on spectrophotometry

All of these credits combined will yield 30 for freshman year. Do you think my upcoming schedule seems reasonable? Also, if I manage to escape with a 3.5, will I still have a decent shot at med schools?


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Second Semester Freshman Schedule

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