lundi 21 décembre 2015

Introduce Yourself Here...

I concur - we need a "like" button for this forum :love:

I am 22 and just graduated from NU in Boston with a BS in Biology. I am a first time applicant and applied to Cornell, Michigan, UPenn, Colorado, Florida, and Washington. I also stumbled onto SDN researching something during the application process, and now I am completely addicted and my fiance threatens to smash my laptop on a daily basis now :laugh:. I hope to eventually go into aquatics after working in small animal medicine for a while, but despite Florida's marine opportunities, I do not have a first choice school and could see myself at all of the schools I applied to.

GPA: 3.897 Cumulative, 3.909 Science, I think last 45 hour was like 3.9 or so, I've been pretty consistent (re: huge nerd that's not good at much else except doing well in science classes and *I hope* anything vet related; I really admire anyone with musical or artistic ability and especially those that majored in something other than biology or science and are pre-vet)
GRE: 1270 (590 Verbal, 680 Quantitative) I know I can do better, but I was honestly too lazy to take it again before applying.
Vet Experience: Maybe 3000-4000 hours? I have worked as a vet tech at an SA clinic (dogs and cats) throughout college, part-time during school and full-time during breaks, summers, and co-op (6 month full-time rotations offered by my school), and now work there full-time since graduating. I also have some experience shadowing vets at the NY Humane Society as a HS senior.
Animal Experience: A little more than a year's experience volunteering and then interning at the New England Aquarium's Giant Ocean Tank, diving and taking care of the 625+ inhabitants (fish, turtles, sharks) and also a day's experience at their Rescue and Rehab center, rehabilitating cold-stunned turtles. I am present and often help during turtle and shark exams and other times that the aquarium vets need to work on the tank's inhabitants (I've seen them take xrays of eels and draw blood from turtles, etc), but since it isn't technically shadowing I didn't list it as vet experience. I also have some lab animal experience - took care of NU lab animals during a work-study position freshman year. I dunno what all that amounts to - maybe 1000 hours or so.
Research: NONE. I really regret this and have no excuse for it.

Outside of the animal world, I don't really have many hobbies other than hanging out with friends and shopping :laugh:. My life is pretty much consumed by animals and vet med. Oh, and getting married this year, but that has been sadly pushed to the back burner right now due to all this application craziness. I should probably have a dress by it'll work out :rolleyes:.

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Introduce Yourself Here...

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