lundi 21 décembre 2015

Interview Prep for med school

Congrats on your first interview!

The problem with interview prep for me is that most of the traditional interviewers ask questions you might not expect, or that are related to your personal statement / application.

I would have answers to the basic questions -- Why medicine, time you've failed, challenge overcome, what you would bring to a med school class, etc. -- and otherwise, just know your application and YOURSELF inside and out. Also, know the school and be able to give specific "Why School X" answers.

I've had 8 interviews so far and have been successful with the schools that have rolling admission. The only way I really prepared was by doing the above, especially the school specific research.

For MMI things are a bit different. For that I would google MMI sample videos and problems to get an idea for the STYLE of questions and good responses. You likely won't be able to prepare for the topics as they change them often. Also, read up on the tenets of medical ethics.

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Interview Prep for med school

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