lundi 28 décembre 2015

How am I doing?

So I'm a junior in undergrad with aspirations of becoming a dentist. Here's how I've done so far:
Gen chem- 1,2: B
Organic Chem- 1,2: B+
Bio- 1,2,3: B
Physics- taking this spring

sGpa around 3.3
Overall around 3.5
Studying for the DAT right now, probably taking it next fall.

Extra curriculars:

60 hours of community service (so far)
30 hours of shadowing dentist (so far)
Played on the golf team freshman and some of sophomore year.
Also worked 30 hours a week freshman and sophomore year.

Trying to get better grades due to my mediocre pre req grades right now...

Any tips? Advice? Chances?

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How am I doing?

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