lundi 21 décembre 2015

Happy but worried..?? (NYU)

Hello guys!
Just finished my exam so I am trying to finalize the school decision since deposit is due soon.
My top choice school was NYU and I was so happy to receive an acceptance past week since I loved their program and great resources as well as the location..
However, there are some posts that keeps me worrying..
So just wondering whether ant current student can share their opinions.

1. During the interview, I heard that the rumour regarding to the dropout rate is NOT true and it is highly unlikely that students will drop out of the program. However, I saw couple post (some were recent) that NYU still has ppl failing and it is hard to keep up with the curriculum. So, is it true that NYU is hard to graduate? In that case, I don't want to invest tons of budget to get nothing out of the school..

2. How intense is NYU's curriculum compared to other dental schools? (Currently comparing with UDM and Minnesota.)

3. Is it possible for an international student to work in NYC after graduation? (I know that I need to get sponsored by the company if I work as an associate)

4. I heard so many students saying that they are not happy. Is this true that most of the students are not happy in NYU environment??

5. Some current NYU student mentioned that specialty is impossible thing at NYU. Currently, I do not have plan to specialize but I have never shadowed any specialty so I want to keep my option open. So any insight is going to be welcomed.

6. Finally, during my tour, the D3 students mention that students hands are not gonna be held and I will be pretty much on my own. Is this also true? (Relative to other dental schools?)

Please leave some comments as I am really confused and stressed out :(

Thanks always:)

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Happy but worried..?? (NYU)

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