lundi 28 décembre 2015

Application won't be "pointy"....

Hey all! Just wondering your opinion on this. I've noticed a lot of people saying "find something you're passionate about and run with it", and people with application ECs who start in free womens clinics, then join student orgs related to this, do research in this and go international in related areas as well-> which will show they want to work with women's health.(just an example)
My mom has always called me a jack of all trades, a master of some and I've lived up to it. I want to work with underserved populations and children and have worked in a free clinic, volunteered with kids, shadowed doctors related to this and am doing research in these fields as well. However, I'm also a part of Mock Trial, fundraising clubs, the homecoming planning committee, been a campus rep for companies, and taught classes. I'm also planning on applying for a gap year w/ Americorps. My fear is that my wide variety of ECs will hurt my application since its not focused in the field that I'll be talking about in my personal statement.

Is this just me overreacting to SDN or should I spend my gap year focused on working more on my "main interests" to make my application "pointier"?

Thank you in advance for all of your constructive thoughts!

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Application won't be "pointy"....

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