lundi 28 décembre 2015


So I'm a third year w/ a 3.6 cum and 3.5 sci GPA. I kinda screwed my GPA with one pretty terrible quarter, 2 C+'s one in physics one in genetics.:(

I picked up dance having had no prior experience and holy hell was it one of the hardest things I've ever done. I think I learned a lot about myself that quarter and pushing myself to excel in something I'd never even tried before was an amazing experience! The amount of time I had to dedicate to dance definitely strained my grades and I actually kind of dug myself out of a hole.. I killed the finals and still ended up with C+'s if that says anything.

Anyway, I can't say I regret my choice to try dance but I am feeling pretty terrible about my grades at the moment, because my upper divs aren't about to get any easier. It's making me feel very anxious about my chances at medical school.

I feel like I've spent the better part of these past 2 years trying to get a grip on my grades so I could focus on EC's a bit more, but that screw up has made it that much more essential that I focus on keeping my grades up. At the same time, I haven't yet taken my MCAT (I'm taking a gap year) and I'll need the summer to prepare for that! That's leaving me not a whole lot of time to dedicate to EC's which makes me nervous as well.

With all that said, does anyone have any suggestions for how to split my time/ what activities might help prepare me for med school? I did several hundred hours of hospital shadowing my last two years of high school and I really wasn't digging it when I started college so I steered clear of that sort of work. In my quest to find medically related EC's that are actually worth something to me however, I haven't found much.

For reference, at the moment I mentor kids at a local elementary school and work with two different health-related magazines (designing for one, editing for another), I've shadowed in a pediatric surgery ward abroad, I'm an RA and have been in residential life for the past 2 years, and have been doing research since spring last year. I really enjoy the things that I do, I just worry that I need to find things more directly related to the medical field. Any/all advice would be great!

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