mercredi 20 juillet 2016

Below 3.0 gpa Support Group/Thread

To give you all some hope:

Graduated with a science degree in 2006 with a cGPA <2.4 and an sGPA slightly above it. All that was mainly due to a year of Fs, where a lot was going on in my life.

After working for a few years, I went back for a DIY post-bac, where I basically took all the pre-reqs and some retakes (many courses were only offered at my alma mater), getting ~3.8.

I applied late in the last cycle to a few MD, a lot of DO, and a couple Carib MD schools with a mid-30s MCAT score and ~3.0 GPAs, tons of ECs (volunteering, MD and DO shadowing, research, leadership, etc), and basically applied prematurely due to some time constraints and personal circumstances.

Result: Multiple interviews (mostly DO, but some MD), acceptances at all the Carib schools I applied to, and all my US interviews ended in waitlists and one acceptance (so far??).

I made a lot of mistakes in the app process (mainly timing), but I also couldn't afford to wait longer to apply, so I took a shot. Even with that it ended well. I don't recommend it, but it ended well.

In reality, I should have waited to apply with GPAs far above 3.0 (would've taken 1-2 more semesters). My recommendation for everyone in a sub-3.0 situation is: make good use of grade replacement and get those GPAs above a 3.0 to make it above cutoffs, shadow a DO and get that LOR, apply early and broadly, and study all you can for the MCAT until you are getting above your target score on practice tests.

No matter what your situation, if you want it, you can get it. Good luck to all of you, and I hope to see you in the future.

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Below 3.0 gpa Support Group/Thread

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